The benefits of family traditions and rituals

Family traditions are more than just activities—they’re a way to connect generations and create a sense of belonging. These rituals carry stories and shared experiences that bond us closer together. In this article, I want to share some of the beautiful traditions in my family—both from my childhood and those we continue now—and look at the benefits of keeping family traditions alive.

Childhood family traditions

Growing up as the eldest of four girls, birthdays were always special in our family. One of my favourite traditions was the chocolate fondue we had at our birthday parties. But it wasn’t just about the chocolate—it was the fun we had while dipping into it.. If you dropped your marshmallow or fruit into the chocolate, you had to sing a song. If things got quiet because no one had dropped anything in for a while, my dad would “accidentally” drop his in just to keep the fun going. For me, chocolate fondue will always remind me of birthdays and family fun.

Another tradition was our summer camping holidays. Every year, we’d head to the same beach, along with friends of my parents and their 4 children. Those annual trips were more than just holidays —they were some of my most favourite childhood memories. Years later, we continued this camping tradition with our daughter, and the memories of those special times are some of the most treasured of her childhood too.

Traditions from our heritage

Our New Year’s Eve traditions are rooted in our Scottish heritage. My husband is Scottish, and my father was born in Glasgow, so we wholeheartedly celebrate Hogmanay, the Scottish name for New Year’s Eve. We make it a priority to be together at midnight, and if not, we always have a phone call right at “the Bells” (that’s midnight).  Every year, without fail, we connect as the clock strikes 12 no matter where we are in the world.

The importance of family traditions

Why keep family traditions alive? They create positive memories that last a lifetime. I still smile when I think of dropping my marshmallow into the fondue pot or making that New Year’s call to my parents from overseas.

Family traditions help build strong family values, develop the connections in the family, and build a really good family culture. By recording on video some of the family traditions that you have, you will be able to pass these on to future generations. What a great gift that is.

Do you have simple traditions or rituals that are special to your family?

Every family has its own unique traditions. Whether it’s something seasonal like an annual blackberry picking outing together or a simple ritual you do with your family every birthday, it’s a part of your family’s story.  Traditions from our heritage are also very  important and need to be honoured so they’re not forgotten as new generations arrive.

As you celebrate your family traditions, remember to capture these moments on video so they’re remembered and passed on.

Here’s to celebrating and preserving the wonderful traditions and rituals that make our families unique!

Book a call with Nicola

If you need help with getting started with recording your family traditions, stories and memories, I offer a free 30 minute call to help you identify key areas of your life to focus on, and tips to get you underway.  Here’s a link to book a time:

Resources & Links

Free list of 30 life story interview questions:

10 Tips for Video Confidence (Free E-book)

YouTube channel – Saving Family Memories: