Your story of hope could be a lifeline for others
When you share your story of hope and resilience, you are giving hope to others who may have been through (or are currently going through) something similar.
Since starting Moving Memories in 2019, I have heard many stories of hope. People who have been through hell and back, but who held on to hope and wanted to share their journey to help others heal.
Here are 2 incredible stories of hope that I’d like to share with you, and I feel sure they will touch your heart as they did mine.
Tonya’s story
Tonya is the most courageous Mum I’ve met. She agreed to share her inspiring and traumatic story of becoming a parent in a remote online life story interview. She has kindly given permission for it to be shared to give hope to others.
Any parent who has lost a child will relate to this story, and any parent who has not had to endure that heartbreak will also learn something from this incredible woman.
Thank you Tonya – this vulnerable share will comfort many people who have been on a similar journey.
You can watch Tonya’s Story of Hope here:
Bryan’s story
Bryan (this is not his real name) was diagnosed with terminal cancer in his early 60’s. He had already been through heart surgery in his 50’s and now had to face this terminal diagnosis. But he held onto hope.
He knew his heart could not take much more chemotherapy, but he found another treatment option that might just give him a few more months – and more importantly give him more time to enjoy the love of his beautiful family. ♥️
During our interview he also shared his three core values – family, love and hope. He said that the silver lining of his current condition was the incredible family love he was experiencing now. He also said that his emotional intelligence had never been great throughout his life, but since his diagnosis it had come on in leaps and bounds. His advice to future generations is to work on that much earlier than he did.
Bryan’s video is (understandably) not publicly available.
Sharing your stories of hope
If you or a friend or family member have been through a difficult life journey, and would like to share that story to give hope to others, please get in touch via my website.
We can arrange online remote interviews, or in person if you’re in Auckland or Wellington.
Book a call with Nicola
If you need help with getting started with recording your family stories and memories, I offer a free 30 minute call to help you identify key areas of your life to focus on, and tips to get you underway. Here’s a link to book a time:
Resources & Links
Free list of 30 life story interview questions:
10 Tips for Video Confidence (Free E-book)
YouTube channel – Saving Family Memories:
Books I recommend:
Your Story How to write it so Others Will Want to Read it – by Joanne Felder:
The Stories We Tell – Every Piece of your Story Matters – by Joanna Gaines
(These book links are affiliate links and for delivery only in NZ & Australia – I receive a small commission from Booktopia at no additional cost to you).