Storytelling – Visual vs Written

Visual information is processed 60,000 time faster by the brain than text. So with a video story people will digest the story much faster than a written version.

That’s just one of the benefits of recording your life story with video.  By sharing your life experiences visually, not only are you allowing your audience to absorb the information more quickly – it’s more fun and engaging too!

Do it for the kids

Your grandkids will be much more likely to want to watch a video than read a book you’ve written. In this digital age we know that video is the preferred medium of our current generation.

One of my clients wanted to share his life journey with his kids and grandkids, but he wasn’t interested in writing a lengthy memoir that would never be read.  So he recorded a life story video with me sharing his early life adventures and his life lessons along the way.  He even sang his favourite waiata while playing his guitar – which was a gift the family were not expecting.  His children and grandchildren were hooked when they saw the video, and even the young ones watched the whole 40 minutes.

Capture the whole person

Visual storytelling captures emotions, expressions, humour and personality quirks – the whole person.  This doesn’t come across the same in a written format.  It can be fun to identify certain characteristics and mannerisms that family members have in common when you watch family videos too!

Faces, especially the eyes,  are like windows into our souls.  By sharing your face and your voice you’re sharing a little part of you with future generations.

Deeper emotional connection

Sometimes we struggle to write down thoughts and feelings, but when chatting about your life on video, it can be easier to open up and share a little more easily.

The video interview process allows more of a flow to the stories, so the true spirit shines through.  That could be in the form of laughter, or it could be more emotive, tearful moments – either way, these help the storyteller connect on a deeper level and create some key moments in the video.

When an emotive connection comes through the lens, not only are you capturing a story, you’re also capturing the storyteller – their personality and true essence. You’ll see the expressions in their eyes as they recount the events that may have changed the course of their life, and that’s something you just don’t get from a written story.

Keep your legacy alive

Visual storytelling can really bring memories, life lessons and life experiences to life. More importantly, it can help keep the spirit of the storyteller alive for generations to come.

There’s nothing wrong with writing your memoirs if that’s something you want to do, but I suggest you do a video to go along with it.  It could be a short introduction to the written story, or a summary about what the story includes.  It will then put a face, personality and voice to that story.

Keep your legacy alive by saving your story on video, so that future generations to get to know the real YOU.

Need help?

If you need help with getting started, I offer a free 30 minute call to help you identify key areas of your life to focus on, and tips to get you underway.  Here’s a link to book a time:

Resources & Links

10 Tips for Video Confidence (Free E-book)

Free list of 30 life story interview questions:

My YouTube channel – Saving Family Memories (new videos are uploaded each fortnight):

Books I recommend:

Your Story How to write it so Others Will Want to Read it – by Joanne Felder:

The Stories We Tell – Every Piece of your Story Matters – by Joanna Gaines

(These book links are affiliate links and for delivery only in NZ & Australia –  I receive a small commission from Booktopia at no additional cost to you).