5 Myths about Life Story Memoirs

In this article, I want to cover these 5 Myths that I often hear shared about saving life story memoirs:

1️⃣ You need to be 70+ before you start
2️⃣ My story is not that interesting
3️⃣ I’m not a storyteller
4️⃣ There’s plenty of time to do it
5️⃣ I don’t think it matters to my kids

None of these are true in my humble opinion, and here’s why:

Myth #1 – You need to be 70+ before you start

Each decade of our lives a different viewpoint, depending on what our life focus is. For example in your 30’s you may be raising young children or moving into your first home, and in your 40’s you may be focussed on career and (or vice versa!).

Your values change as time goes on, so by starting to record your memoir in your 30’s, 40’s and 50’s you will capture very different outlooks on life for each decade. Start small, but start now I say!

Myth #2 – My story is not that interesting

Please don’t ever think your story is not that interesting! I hear this often from older women who may have been stay-at-home Mums. It’s so sad to hear them say their stories aren’t interesting! They saw and experienced everything in just the same way as their working husbands. In fact they probably have more to share, but have always been “behind the scenes”.

Your kids, grandkids and future generations will love to hear stories about your daily life and learn what made your heart sing. We all have a story – don’t let yours be forgotten.

Myth #3 – I’m not a storyteller

You don’t need to be an accomplished storyteller or writer to be able to record your memoirs. It’s why I love using video – the stories just seem to flow better when you’re telling them straight to camera. There’s no overthinking of grammar or spelling, and it’s “straight from the horse’s mouth” too so much more real in my view.

We are all storytellers – we just don’t realise it until we start to tell them.

Myth #4 – There’s plenty of time to do it

We think we have all the time in the world, but honestly we don’t know what is round the corner.

This is why I say start small, but start now. I regret not doing this with my Dad (who we lost in 2018 at the young age of 78).

Myth #5  – I don’t think it matters to my kids

Your kids may appear to be not very interested now, but in the future they will be. And grandkids love to learn more about how their grandparents lived, their values and what was important to them, especially if they didn’t get to meet them.

Also remember that recording your memoir can be a very positive and healing experience. So do it for yourself, as well as others.


Myths like these can stop people from saving their stories, and that is very sad.  Too many stories get lost or forgotten, so don’t let this happen in your family.  And remember you’re not creating a full autobiography with every single year of your life included.  It’s not meant to be a marathon effort!

A memoir is just a snapshot of your life, with a focus on themes or times/events that changed the course of your life.  Sharing your values, life lessons and life experiences so that your legacy is safe.

Need help?

If you need help with getting started, I offer a free 30 minute call to help you identify key areas of your life to focus on, and tips to get you underway.  Here’s a link to book a time:


Resources & Links

10 Tips for Video Confidence (Free E-book)


Free list of 30 life story interview questions:


My YouTube channel – Saving Family Memories (new videos are uploaded each fortnight):


Books I recommend:

Your Story How to write it so Others Will Want to Read it – by Joanne Felder:


The Stories We Tell – Every Piece of your Story Matters – by Joanna Gaines


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